Sonography Principles and Instruments |
10th Edition |
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9780323597081 |
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Catalog No:
18010 |
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Enhance your imaging skills with the latest sonographic technologies and prepare for the ARDMS SPI certification exam! Sonography: Principles and Instruments, now in its 10th edition, explains how diagnostic ultrasound works and covers the essentials of ultrasound physics and instrumentation, including Doppler imaging, artifacts, safety, and quality assurance. More than 1,300 illustrations including ultrasound scans, help demonstrate how to image anatomy, motion, and flow. Dr. Kremkau succeeds in simplifying complicated concepts, where other texts do not. With the right blend of imaging fundamentals, current techniques, and exam practice questions, this book is ideal for both students and experienced practitioners.
New to This Edition
Introduction for understanding and applying sonographic principles explains how virtual beam-forming and high-speed postprocessing can be used to improve most every aspect of sonographic imaging.

Updated content contains questions similar to those on the latest American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) certification exam.

New and expanded coverage keeps you current with sonographic techniques including elastography, shear wave imaging, acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI), miniaturization and POCUS, and vector imaging in cardiac and vascular flow studies.

The latest patient safety guidelines are included.
Key Features
Emphasis on the fundamentals of physics and sonography help prepare you for the ARDMS SPI exam.
Coverage of current technology including the progress being made with contrast agents and 3D, and the more general aspects of transducers and instruments.
Straightforward explanations simplify complicated concepts.
Learning objectives at the beginning of every chapter help you set learning goals.
Key terms provide you with a list of the most important terms at the beginning of each chapter, and are bold-faced within the chapter for easy reference.
Key Points, called out with an icon and special type, highlight the most important information to help you study more efficiently.
Bulleted reviews at the end of each chapter identify key concepts covered in that chapter.
End-of-chapter exercises test your knowledge and understanding with a mix of true-or-false, multiple choice, and matching questions.
Glossary of key terms at the end of the book serves as a quick reference, allowing you to look up definitions without having to search through each chapter.
Appendices, including a List of Symbols, Compilation of Equations, and Mathematics Review, equip you with additional resources to help comprehend difficult concepts.
An Evolve companion website with student resources enhances your learning experience through videos, an image collection, physics review, and advanced concepts.
A full-color design containing over 120 high-quality ultrasound scans similar to what you will encounter in the clinical setting.

Click on the image below to preview this publication in PDF format:
Chapter 1 Sonography: A Window into the Human Body
Chapter 2 Ultrasound: Sound We Don’t Hear
Chapter 3 Transducers: Sending and Receiving
Chapter 4 Instruments: Imaging Anatomy and Principle 1
Chapter 5 Instruments: Imaging Motion and Flow with Principle 1
Chapter 6 Instruments: Imaging Anatomy, Motion and Flow with Principle 2
Chapter 7 Artifacts: What Can Go Wrong
Chapter 8 Is It Performing Well?
Chapter 9 Is It Safe?
Chapter 10 To Conclude
Answers to Exercises
Appendix A: List of Symbols
Appendix B: Compilation of Equations
Appendix C: Mathematics Review
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