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Registered Vascular Specialist (RVS) Examination

Exam Content Outline
Cardiovascular Credentialing International publishes its examination matrix (outline) and other important information on its website. Visit the site at for complete information about applying for and taking the registry examinations. The outline for each exam indicates the approximate percentage of the exam that a particular topic represents. This information is important because it indicates the relative importance of each topic and allows you to study more effectively. For example, Performing Peripheral Arterial Examinations is 24% of the exam, whereas Performing Special Procedures is 5%.

The complete outline for the Registered Vascular Specialist Examination appears below.

A. Maintaining Information, Facility, and Safety (8%)

   Identify patient

   Educate patient about the procedure

   Obtain patient history

   Triage patient status

   Position patient

   Use standard/universal precautions/sterile techniques

   Maintain ergonomic safety

   Evaluate quality assurance and improvement

   Maintain equipment

B. Applying Physical Principles (17%)

   Set up examination equipment

   Obtain optimal image

   Obtain pulse wave (PW) Doppler data

   Obtain continuous wave (CW) Doppler data

   Obtain color Doppler data

   Detect artifacts

   Practice bioeffect safety

C. Performing Abdominal/Visceral Examinations (9%)

   Perform renal duplex

   Perform mesenteric duplex

   Perform abdominal aorta duplex

   Perform endovascular surveillance

D. Performing Extracranial/Intracranial Examinations (19%)

   Perform extracranial duplex

   Perform carotid stent surveillance

   Perform transcranial Doppler - nonimaging (TCD)

   Perform transcranial duplex - imaging (TCI)

E. Performing Peripheral Arterial Examinations (24%)

   Perform lower extremity arterial duplex

   Perform bypass graft surveillance

   Perform stent surveillance

   Perform resting ankle-brachial index (ABI)

   Perform exercise testing

   Perform upper and lower segmental pressures

   Perform upper and lower pulse volume recording (PVR)

   Perform upper and lower continuous wave Doppler waveforms

   Perform upper and lower photoplethysmography (PPG)

   Perform upper extremity arterial duplex

   Perform upper extremity arterial mapping

   Perform thoracic outlet testing

   Perform Allen’s test

   Perform cold sensitivity testing

F. Performing Peripheral Venous Examinations (18%)

   Perform lower extremity venous duplex

   Perform lower extremity venous insufficiency testing

   Perform vein mapping

   Perform ultrasound guided ablation

   Perform upper extremity venous duplex

G. Performing Special Procedures (5%)

   Perform venous stent duplex

   Perform dialysis access duplex

   Perform pseudoaneurysm intervention

   Perform post-operative surveillance

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