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Registered Cardiac Sonographer (RCS) Examination

Exam Content Outline
Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) publishes its examination matrix (outline) and other important information on its website. Visit the site at for complete information about applying for and taking the registry examinations. The outline for each exam indicates the approximate percentage of the exam that a particular topic represents. This information is important because it indicates the relative importance of each topic and allows you to study more effectively. For example, Perform Echocardiographic Examinations is 38% of the exam, whereas General Policies, Procedures, and Standards is 7%.

The complete outline for the Registered Cardiac Sonographer Examination appears below.

A. General Policies, Procedures, and Standards (7%)

   Ensure universal precautions and sterile techniques

   Respond to emergency situations

   Maintain competency and quality assurance

   Pre-procedure activities

   Post-procedure activities

B. Perform Echocardiographic Examinations (38%)

   Understand ultrasound physics and instrumentation

   Understand imaging views (transducer position, planes, anatomy)

   Define normal anatomy, physiology, and hemodynamics

   Utilize physiologic maneuvers

   Practice proper ergonomics

C. Perform Specialized Echocardiographic Techniques (13%)

   Assist with TEE

   Perform stress echocardiography

   Perform contrast echocardiography

   Identify current and emerging technologies

D. Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Diseases/Therapeutic
     Measures (42%)

   Evaluate pathophysiology in images and modify examination to answer
   the clinical question

   Recognize common congenital abnormalities

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