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Physicians Vascular Interpretation Exam (administered by APCA)

Exam Content Outline
For the PVI examination, physicians currently practicing in vascular laboratories were invited to respond to a detailed survey of current practice in interpreting vascular tests. The physicians that were sampled included practitioners from diverse specialties, including cardiology, radiology, vascular surgery and vascular medicine.

The major headings (as indicated by Roman numerals) in the content outline represent the first-level breakdown of the questions testing candidates’ knowledge of the various procedures typically performed by physicians practicing vascular ultrasound. The percentage ranges shown next to each heading indicate the various proportions of the total number of questions on the examination that will be related to that testing (content) area. Score information is reported only for the areas major headings.

The PVI Examination has been designed to test the knowledge and skills that physicians commonly use when working as part of a team in a vascular laboratory setting. Therefore, the emphasis is on relevant anatomy, physiology, instrumentation, and physical principles as these apply to the interpretation of vascular laboratory tests. The PVI Examination does not test the knowledge and skills used to perform vascular laboratory tests. The latter is covered by the Vascular Technology and Sonography Principles and Instrumentation examinations, which are the two required examinations for the Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT) credential. Physicians who successfully complete the PVI Examination will obtain the new Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI) credential.

An outline summary for the Physicians' Vascular Interpretation (PVI) examination appears below. For a more detailed exam content outline
click here.

I. Cerebrovascular (15%)

   Extracranial Carotid

   Intracranial Carotid

II. Abdominal (15%)





III. Peripheral Arterial - Duplex Imaging (15%)

   Bypass Graft

   Dialysis Access

   Interpretation of Duplex Imaging

   Postoperative Endovascular Intervention

IV. Peripheral Arterial - Physiologic (20%)

   Ankle Brachial Index/Pulse Volume Recording

   Digital Evaluation

V. Peripheral Venous (20%)

   Vein Mapping

   Venous Thrombosis/Obstruction

   Venous Insufficiency Testing

VI. Laboratory Technology and Operations (15%)

   Patient Care

   Physics and Instrumentation

   Quality Assurance

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