To keep you abreast of developments that may affect your performance on the registry exams and your professional work as a clinical sonographer, we issue Study Alerts for particular products as developments warrant.
Adult Echo Review, (Second Edition) by Carol Mitchell, PhD, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, RT(R), ACS, FASE, FSDMS, and Bridgett Willey, MS, RDMS, RVT, RDCS, RT(R)
Click here for the latest updates to Adult Echocardiography Review. Please feel free to print this document for easy reference.
Fetal Echo Review, (Second Edition) by Nikki C. Stahl, RT(R)(M)(CT), RDMS, RVT, Valrie Kunes, BA, AS(R), and Bradley W. Robinson, MD, FACC
Click here for the latest updates to this handy reference guide. Includes an additional 5 BONUS QUESTIONS with explanations to address new tasks on the 2018 ARDMS Exam Content Outline. Please feel free to print this document for your convenience.
Introduction to Vascular Scanning: A Guide for the Complete Beginner, (Fourth Edition) by Donald P. Ridgway, RVT
Click here for the latest updates to Don Ridgway’s famously unique how-to guide. Please feel free to print this document for your convenience.
Musculoskeletal Sonography Review, by Susan Raatz Stephenson, MS, MA Ed, RDMS, RVT, CIIP, and Nirvikar (Nirvi) Dahiya, MD, FAIUM. FSRU
Click here for the latest updates. Please feel free to print this document for easy reference.
Ob/Gyn Sonography: An Illustrated Review, (First Edition) by Marie
De Lange, BS, RDMS, RDCS, and Glenn A. Rouse, MD
Click here for the latest updates to Marie De Lange's excellent book. Please feel free to print this document for your convenience.
Ob/Gyn Sonography: An Illustrated Review, (Second Edition) by Jim Baun, BS, RDMS, RVT, FSDMS
Click here for the latest updates to Jim Baun's comprehensive book. Please feel free to print this document for your convenience.
Pediatric Sonography Review, by Julie Plaugher, RDMS, Marielis Marrero Maldonado, RDMS, Lennard D. Greenbaum, MD, and John Blake Campbell, MD
Click here for the latest updates. Please feel free to print this document for easy reference.
ScoreCards for Vascular Technology, (First Edition) by Cindy Owen, RT, RVT, RDMS
Click here for the latest updates to Cindy Owen's memory skills ScoreCards. Please feel free to print this document for easy reference.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Practitioner’s Guide, by Kathryn A. Gill, MS, RT, RDMS, FSDMS
Click here for the latest updates to Kathy Gill’s authoritative textbook. Please feel free to print this document for your reference.
Vascular Technology: An Illustrated Review, (Fifth Edition) by Claudia Rumwell, RN, RVT, FSVU, and Michalene McPharlin, RN, RVT, RVS, FSVU
Click here for the latest updates to the most trusted vascular reference in print. Please feel free to print this document for easy reference.