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Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Exam

Exam Content Outline
The American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers publishes
its exam outlines and other important information on its website ( Visit the site for complete information about
applying for and taking the registry examinations.

The outline for each exam indicates the approximate percentage of the exam that a particular topic represents. This information is important because it indicates the relative importance of each topic and allows you to study more effectively. For example, Doppler Imaging Concepts represents 31% of the sonography principles and instrumentation exam, whereas Clinical Safety, Patient Care, and Quality Assurance represents 10%.

An outline summary for the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation examination appears below. For a more detailed exam content outline
click here.

I. Clinical Safety, Patient Care, and Quality Assurance (10%)

   Clinical Safety

   Patient Care

   Quality Assurance

   New Technologies

II. Physical Principles (15%)

   Physical Principles

III. Ultrasound Transducers (16%)


IV. Imaging Principles and Instrumentation (28%)


V. Doppler Imaging Concepts (31%)


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