Click a question below to view a detailed answer.
1. How do the Davies CME activities work?
2. How do I obtain CME credit?
3. What is the current fee for processing a CME application?
4. Why isn't the CME processing fee included in the price of the publication?
5. Why is the CME fee the same regardless of how many credits a publication offers?
6. Can one or more of my colleagues earn CME credit with using the book I purchase?
7. How long will it take to process my CME application?
8. How long will it take for me to receive my CME certificate of completion?
9. WIll Davies report my CME credits directly to the ARDMS or any other organization?
10. Do your CME activities ever expire?
11. What are the CME requirements for taking the ARDMS registry exams?
12. What is the three-year ARDMS CME cycle and how does it work?
13. What are the ARRT's CME requirements?
14. Can I use the Davies CME activities to fulfill the requirements of the ARRT?
15. Are the Davies SDMS-approved CME credits accepted not only by ARDMS but also APCA, ARRT, CCI, ICA, ACR, and AMA?
1. How do the Davies CME activities work? |

It used to be that you had to attend expensive meetings in inconvenient locations to earn CME credits. Now you can earn them by studying exactly what you want, when you want, in the format you want, at a price that is way more than reasonable. To help you earn and maintain your registry status, Davies offers a broad range of SDMS-approved CME activities in a variety of formats—books, CD-ROMs, downloadable programs, and flashcards.
Your CME application will receive the personal attention of a CME specialist who can advise, counsel, and assist you with special needs and requests. Application fees help to defray the costs of scoring, processing, recording, and maintaining an auditable file of your CME applications and tests. Our CME fees are very reasonable. And more than one person can earn credit by using our print products.
If you need registry-prep material now but CME credit later, you can purchase and use our state-of-the-art test-prep products now and apply for CME credit later, when you need it. We do update our publications periodically and guidelines sometimes change, so be sure to check with us to make sure a CME quiz you have is still current and valid.
Finally—this is important—we do NOT make you pay in advance for processing your CME application. Don't be deceived by competing claims that CME costs are included in the price of a product. You are simply prepaying for a service that you have not yet received. This isn't fair to you or to customers who never will apply for CME credit.
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2. How do I obtain CME credit? |

To obtain CME credit, follow these three easy steps:
1. Read and study the material in the publication and complete the interactive exercises it contains. Test yourself thoroughly if using one of our mock exam solutions.
2. Photocopy and then complete the applicant information, CME answer sheet, and evaluation form contained within the activity. For our Interactive Mock Exam (CD-ROM or download) activities, after completing the quiz you'll have the option either to print your application and quiz results, or to email your results directly to us for processing. The program does not save your results, so be sure to save or print your CME quiz results.
3. If you choose to mail your application, please make copies of the completed forms (applicant information, CME answer sheet, and evaluation form) for your records and then send the forms along with the applicable administrative fee to the following address for processing:
Davies Publishing, Inc.
Attn: CME Coordinator
32 South Raymond Avenue, Suite 4
Pasadena, California 91105-1961
Or fax your application, CME answer sheet, evaluation form and credit card number with expiration date and security code to 626-792-5308. You can also call after faxing to confirm our receipt of your CME application and give us your credit card number over the phone.
Or email your application, CME answer sheet, evaluation form and credit card number with expiration date and security code to As with faxing, you can call us after emailing and give us your credit card number over the phone.
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3. What is the current fee for processing a CME application? |

The original purchaser of print-based products is entitled to submit the CME application for an administrative fee of $39.50. Others may also submit applications for CME credits by completing the activity and paying an administrative fee of $49.50. The CME processing fee for all CD-ROM and Download products is $49.50. For your convenience we accept payment by check, credit, or debit card (be sure to include your 15- or 16-digit credit card number and expiration date with security code).
The CME administrative fee helps to defray the cost of individually scoring, processing, and maintaining an auditable record of your application and the credit you earn. We do NOT make you pay in advance for processing your CME application by adding this cost to the price of the product. Don't be deceived by competing claims that CME costs are included in the price of a product. You are simply prepaying for a service that you have not yet received. This isn't fair to you or to customers who never will apply for CME credit.
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4. Why isn't the CME processing fee included in the price of the publication? |

Because it wouldn't be fair to make our customers prepay a future cost by adding it into the price of a product. Instead, the CME processing fee applies only at the time of application.
If you need registry-prep material now but CME credit later, you can purchase and use our state-of-the-art test-prep products now and apply for CME credit later, whenever you actually need it. It wouldn't be fair to make you prepay the future costs of processing your CME application by adding those costs to the price of a publication. Some customers may never use the CME component of a publication. We do update our publications periodically and guidelines sometimes change, so be sure to check with us to make sure a CME quiz you have is still current and valid.
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5. Why is the CME fee the same regardless of how many credits a publication offers? |

The CME administrative fee helps to defray the cost of individually scoring, processing, and maintaining a record of your application and the credit you earn. The fee functions on a per application basis because our processing costs do not vary with the number of credits earned.
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6. Can one or more of my colleagues earn CME credit with using the book I purchase? |

CME activities on CD-ROM or downloads are limited to the licensed user. More than one person may use our printed CME products (books and flashcards). Others may submit applications for CME credits by completing the activity and paying an administrative fee of $49.50. Processing fees seldom change, but may change without notice.
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7. How long will it take to process my CME application? |

We usually process CME applications on the same day we receive them and always within 24 hours of receipt Monday through Friday. Your CME application will receive the personal attention of a CME specialist who can advise, counsel, and assist you with special needs and requests. We will email you a certificate as proof of activity completion for your records—in case the ARDMS audits you at the end of your three-year CME cycle—as well as maintain our own meticulous record of the CME credit you earn through Davies. A copy of your certificate can also be faxed to you upon request.
Lose your certificate? Need rush service? Just call or email us!
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8. How long will it take for me to receive my CME certificate of completion? |

We will email your certificate through the SDMS website the same day we process it. Please be sure to retain a copy in your permanent files so that you can use it to demonstrate your participation in this CME activity. If you are an ARDMS Registrant, you can now upload CMEs and store them in your CME Bank. Save yourself the worry of being audited. Click on the following link to learn more:
Lose your certificate? Need rush service? Just call or email us!
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9. WIll Davies report my CME credits directly to the ARDMS or any other organization? |

Due to the new CME auditing system being used by ARDMS, Davies no longer reports your CME credits directly to ARDMS. Please see the FAQ below for more information on how the auditing system works, and how it affects you.
As with the ARDMS, Davies provides you the certificates of credit to submit to any other organization. If you are an SDMS member, your credits will be sent electronically to ARDMS. Should you misplace your records, call us. We'll be happy to send you a duplicate.
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10. Do your CME activities ever expire? |

We do update our publications periodically and guidelines sometimes change, so be sure to check with us to make sure a CME quiz you have is still current and valid.
The following CME activities from out-of-print books have expired:
Fetal Echo Review, 1st edition, expired June 12, 2018
Fetal Echo CD-ROM Mock Exam, 1st edition, expired September 19, 2017
Introduction to Vascular Scanning, 3rd edition, expired July 2015
Ob/Gyn Sonography: An Illustrated Review, 1st edition, expired
October 25, 2017
Ob/Gyn Sonography Review, 1st edition, expires January 24, 2019
Ob/Gyn Sonography CD Mock Exam, 1st edition, expired May 11, 2018
ScoreCards for Vascular Technology, 1st edition, expired August 4, 2017
Vascular Technology: An Illustrated Review, 4th edition, expired
August 4, 2017
The following CME activities have expired:
Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography expired July 2017
Vascular Physics Review expired November 10, 2017
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11. What are the CME requirements for taking the ARDMS registry exams? |

To take your SPI exam, you need 12 clock hours (credits) of continuing medical education in ultrasound physics. There are a number of different prerequisites. You can find out more pertaining to your specific situation by
clicking here, or visiting ARDMS's webpage on
Prerequisite & SPI Requirement Information.
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12. What is the three-year ARDMS CME cycle and how does it work? |

Once you are a registered sonographer, you must continue to develop and update your clinical skills and knowledge through continuing medical education (CME) activities. That is a good thing. It's a good thing for you, it's a good thing for your patients, and it's a good thing for your employer. It also ensures the value of your registry credential.
All ARDMS Registrants are required to complete 30 credit hours of ARDMS-accepted continuing medical education (CME) within a three-year period in order to maintain Active status. ARDMS notifies Registrants of the three-year period in which they need to earn their CMEs. The three-year CME period is based on the calendar year (January 1 through December 31). For instance, a Registrant whose three-year CME cycle ends December 31, 2019, must earn at least 30 CMEs between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019a three-year CME period that consists of the years 2017, 2018, and 2019. The Registrant whose cycle ends December 31, 2020, must earn at least 30 CMEs between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2020—a three-year CME period that consists of years 2018, 2019, and 2020. And so on.

If you don't fulfill your CME requirements, however, you will lose your active registry status and be forced to earn additional CME credits and pay a reinstatement fee. If you miss the reinstatement deadline your credentials will be permanently revoked. That would not be a good thing.
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13. What are the ARRT's CME requirements? |

To download a PDF file of the ARRT's CME requirements, please right-click the linked file below and download it onto your computer. You must have
Adobe® Reader® installed to open and view this file.
ARRT CME Requirements
Please visit for complete information on ARRT's requirements for continuing medical education.
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14. Can I use the Davies CME activities to fulfill the requirements of the ARRT? |

Yes, you can. Our SDMS-approved activities are accepted by the ARRT. Please visit for complete information on ARRT's requirements for continuing medical education.
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15. Are the Davies SDMS-approved CME credits accepted not only by ARDMS but also APCA, ARRT, CCI, ICA, ACR, and AMA? |

Sonographers and technologists may apply these credits toward the CME requirements of the ARDMS, its companion council APCA, and ARRT, as well as to the CME requirements of most facility-accrediting organizations. CCI also accepts SDMS-approved CME credits, but stipulates that 30 of its triennial requirement of 36 CME credits be related to the cardiovasculature; the remaining 6 CME credits can be related to any topic.
If you are a physician, these SDMS-approved CME credits cannot be applied toward your AMA Physician Recognition Award because they are not Category 1. A certain number of these credits can, however, be applied toward the CME requirements for physicians associated with accredited ultrasound facilities. Be sure to confirm requirements with the pertinent organizations. Physicians who are registered sonographers can use the Davies SDMS-approved CME credits to fulfill the CME requirements of the ARDMS.
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